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24th Annual EAU Congress key messages

At the joint EORTC-European Society of Oncological Urology (ESOU) andEuropean Society for Urological ResearchGenetics (ESUR), genetics andclinical key problems in bladder and prostate cancer were taken up. Below are some of the key messages.

Jorg Oddens (The Netherlands) on ‘Quality control in TUR of the bladder’:

  • TURB procedure is a common urological surgery
  • Quality of surgery is not studied often.
  • Recurrence rates shortly after resection is a marker for quality of TURB
  • To investigate quality of TURB, EORTC trial 300082 will be launched later this year.

Lambertus Kiemeney (The Netherlands) on ‘Inherited genetic factors associated with bladder cancer development’:

  • No associations found (yet) with chrom. 9
  • As in other cancers, 8q24 variant associated with UBC
  • Mechanism unclear (through MYC?)
  • Correlation with 3928 (TP63?) and 5p15.33
  • Selection of 10 is arbitrary. More replications needed
  • No Copy Number Variation analyses yet.

Kiemeney also stated that the genetic associationsare weak (1.1< OR<1.5). He, however, said that these associationsmay serve identification of new mechanisms and targets. Moreover,combinations may identify ‘high risk’ groups, and could be employed forpreventive interventions, screening or boost the power to detect riskfactors.

Susanne Osanto (The Netherlands) on the Hurdles to take in modern trial business:

  • The regulatory burden on clinical researchers mustbe simplified and be seen to support clinical research rather thanclose it down.
  • An infrastructure of well-trained people and a pro-active approach with governments to fight over bureaucracy,
  • Streamline research timelines and increase the speed of research.

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