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Announcement by Lundbeck


H Lundbeck A/S hereby reports transactions made by executives and persons and legal entities closely associated to them with shares in H Lundbeck A/S and linked securities, cf. section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act.

The list is based on reports received by H Lundbeck A/S from the company’s executives today or yesterday.

Per Wold-Olsen

Job position of the executive:
Chairman of Supervisory Board

ID code (ISIN code):
DK 0010287234 / CUSIP 40422M107

Description of the security:

Nature of the transaction:
Purchase of ADR

Date of trading:
6 March 2009

Market on which the trading was effected:
Pink Sheets Level 1 / unsponsored program

Number of traded securities:
10,000 ADR

Market price of securities traded:
1,021,300.00 DKK

Persons/entities under an obligation to report
Persons or entities under an obligation to report are defined as members of the Executive Management and the Supervisory Board of H Lundbeck A/S and persons/entities closely associated to them.

Closely associated persons/entities means inter alia:

  • spouse or cohabitant
  • children below the age of 18
  • legal entities in which the insider has a controlling influence

The content of this release will have no influence on the Lundbeck Group’s financial result for 2009.


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