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Once-daily mesalazine offers colitis hope


Once-a-day Salofalk® (mesalazine) granules for treating active ulcerative colitis have been launched by German-based company Dr Falk Pharma.

The company says the granules are a step forward in treating ulcerative colitis as they offer prolonged, consistent release of the active ingredient mesalazine over the whole colon surface.

This means the granules can be taken once a day in active ulcerative colitis with no loss of efficacy, the company says.

It says clinical trials have shown that 61% of patients who expressed a preference chose Salofalk granules over previous mesalazine tablet formulation.

The new formulation was thought to be favoured due to the convenience of a once-daily regimen and a coating which made the granules more palatable.

Additionally, as the granules could be taken with or without food, patients were given the choice of when to take the treatment.

Professor Alastair Forbes of London’s University College Hospital commented: “Flare-ups of ulcerative colitis are unpleasant and unpredictable. It is therefore important that treatments are convenient and efficacious.

“Adherence is an issue with many patients, so the option of an oral, once-daily medication is an important treatment option.

Tony McFadyen of Dr Falk Pharma in the UK said: “The strongest predictor of medication adherence, and therefore disease remission in ulcerative colitis patients is the number of daily doses.”

Dr Falk Pharma

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