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NICE recommends elmiron for bladder pain syndrome

Consilient Health welcomes the decision by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to recommend pentosan polysulfate sodium (brand name Elmiron) for bladder pain syndrome (BPS) within its marketing authorisation.

NICE has recommended that Elmiron, the only licensed oral medication for BPS with glomerulations or Hunner’s lesions (referred to as interstitial cystitis/BPS), is used in accordance with specified considerations.

The recommendation came after Consilient Health agreed a Patient Access Scheme with NICE which makes Elmiron available to the National Health Service (NHS).

Mr Jonathan Goddard, consultant urological surgeon at Leicester General Hospital, said: “This positive recommendation from NICE will allow patients with this chronic and difficult to treat condition to benefit from Elmiron, an effective and well-tolerated treatment for BPS”.

Susannah Fraser, communication and media manager at Bladder Health UK, said: “BPS is a debilitating condition and has a considerable detrimental impact on the individual’s lifestyle, ability to work, emotional health and relationships. Their quality of life is hugely compromised. For individuals to be able to access Elmiron on the NHS is really good news.”

Amanda Paxon, Consilient Health UK country manager pharmaceuticals, said: “This is a condition with a significant unmet clinical need and the company is delighted that Elmiron has been recommended for the treatment of IC/BPS”.

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